Part 1: Playful, Moody, Sultry Boudoir with Lexi

As a photographer it is always such a delight when a client is up for anything and Lexi didn’t disappoint. Lexi’s energy was so infectious, making our photoshoot even more fun! She arrived with a big duffle bag full of outfit ideas anywhere from sweet to steamy. It’s a shame we didn’t have time to get through them all (maybe next time!).

Here are some of my favorite images from her session, there were so many that I decided to divide this into a two part blog post!

Seattle Boudoir with Lexi-14.jpg
Seattle Boudoir with Lexi-15.jpg
Seattle Boudoir with Lexi-16.jpg
Seattle Boudoir with Lexi-17.jpg
Seattle Boudoir with Lexi-19.jpg
Seattle Boudoir with Lexi-18.jpg
Seattle Boudoir with Lexi-20.jpg
Seattle Boudoir with Lexi-22.jpg
Seattle Boudoir with Lexi-21.jpg
Seattle Boudoir with Lexi-24.jpg
Seattle Boudoir with Lexi-26.jpg
Seattle Boudoir with Lexi-27.jpg
Seattle Boudoir with Lexi-30.jpg
Seattle Boudoir with Lexi-29.jpg

Stay tuned for Part 2, next week!