
End Racism

Anti-Racism Resources


There’s no one “right” way to end racism.

We must attack this issue from all angles. We are committed to being a voice for representation and donating to charitable organizations dedicated to fighting race based injustice in the criminal law system. We ask that you please identify a way that you can help end racism and have listed some resources below.



  • It is not enough to not be racist, we must be anti-racism.

  • Listen and believe the stories of POC. Your experiences may differ, don’t allow this to invalidate their experiences.

  • Read reputable news articles and stay apprized of the current state of the movement.

  • Seek opportunities for new ways you can help end racism now.


  • The first place it starts is within. Reflect on how your experiences differ from the accounts you are reading.

  • Acknowledge that privilege exists due to race, class, legal status and many other factors.

  • Research the history of racism in the United States and how it lives on today (cash bail, excessive force and housing and employment discrimination are great places to start).

  • Netflix and Absorb. Watch reputable documentaries about the effects and origins of racism. Some recommendations can be found here and here.

  • Learn about policing in the United States and how this disproportionately affects black and brown folks.

  • Share your knowledge with others.



  • Call out your family, friends and colleagues when they say something racist.

  • Be a Loud Speaker. Speak out publicly about racism and demand change.

  • Contact your federal and local government.

  • Stand up when you see something racist happening in a public place.

  • Allow POC to have the floor right now. Share their stories (when permission is given).

Regardless of the action you choose to take, please TAKE ACTION.

We ask that you practice self care, and remember that you can’t pour from an empty cup. We know it’s hard to stay focused and motivated. This is emotionally exhausting work, but please don’t check out. We need to capitalize on this momentum and effect real change, now.