How to find the confidence to book a boudoir shoot?

Y’all, this is a fast one but hits close to home!

For me, it hit me like a bus. I realized I was saving living my best life until I became someone else (lost weight, grew out my hair, had no acne for X months) and asked myself, “would I be ok with leaving this planet today knowing I kept delaying things I really want to do?” The answer for me was a giant, bold face, NO. So I stopped allowing my insecurities to rule my actions. Was I confident it would go well? Absolutely not! Did it? Definitely!

From the aforementioned first shoot.

From the aforementioned first shoot.

I wish there was some secret sauce here to help you feel “the moment is right” but really, one won’t exist.

The simple answer is, you just commit to it. Book a session. Once you have your session, you’ll realize it’s not something to fear. It’s fun, ultra empowering and sort of addictive!